Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Elements Chapter 1- Meet The Humans

Hey yall! I know I said I would have the first chapter up by monday but I couldn't figure out how to get it off of my computer. I don't have internet or a printer, I couldn't burn it to a CD, and I couldn't find any floppy disks that would work! Well, I have it now. It's pretty long, but I hope you like it! There might be some type-o's but I'll edit those out later. Comment if you find some!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Dear Diary,
It's me, Midnight. You know how I said that I don't believe in happy birthdays? I was right. Right now my sisters and me are hiding out in the Collatan Caves. I wish wouldn’t have... wouldn’t have... I don’t know. I just wish she would come back and make this all go away. Then none this would've never happened. Maybe I could just have a NORMAL 16th birthday. Maybe my mom would still be alive.

~~~~~~~~~~~Many, Many Years Ago~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The old mystic of the castle sat rocking in her chair when Queen Pyris walked by. Pyris hated her name and her title, so she insisted on being called Red.

She was a fair, loving, and extremely powerful queen. Everyone loved her, and her daughters as well. She actually had 5 daughters. The oldest, Terra, was 9. Aryana, Ary for short, was 7. Pyris, who was named after her mother, was 6. Aqua was 4. Midnight, the youngest, was 2.

"Red," Martha said. "You're expecting again, aren't you?" Red turned away. "Don't try to hide it from me... I see it in your eyes."

"Fine. You win. You always win. You know I would tell you anything. And yes, I am. I don't know what I'm going to do! I already have 5 girls, I don't know if I can handle another! Besides, I'm already stretched so thin- being queen of Clantry, advisor to the king, and mother to 5 daughters! Martha, do you have a prophecy for me? Please, just tell me everything will be okay!"

"Everything will be fine," replied the old woman. "My prophecy is this; After the birth of your next child, when she is a little older, 6 children will inherit your powers. They will someday save your nation," said Martha, almost whispering.

Red was shocked. How did Martha know about her powers? She had certainly never told anyone, not even the king himself. So how did she know?

"What... powers?" Red said nervously, fidgeting and shuffling her feet.

"Red, I know. I've known for a long time."

“How did you find out?" She asked, stuttering.

Martha got a weird twinkle in her eyes. It was a twinkle that Red had seen many times, ever since she was a little girl. Martha had pretty much raised her when she was a little princess, and did everything her mother never could.

"I know many things, Red. Many things you couldn't even imagine that I would. I know what your powers are, too. You can bend elements. Use them as you please. You can make a sunny day, or a real heck of a storm. Earth, Air, Fire Water, Darkness, and Light. I'm right, am I not? I always knew, I just wanted to hear it from you," she said, smiling strangely.

"Yes, you're right," Red said, collapsing into a beautiful palace chair, half from exhaustion and half from astonishment. "Please don't tell anyone!"

"I won't. I have no reason to endanger your job... or your life, your majesty. None at all," she replied in a strange tone, with that weird look again in her eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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