Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This is my post for the day (aside from the story)

Hey everybody!
I hope yall are liking my story!
I have to talk about what happened at school today!

I was in english class and we have the coolest, funniest teacher, but she got so fed up to day it was scary!
We have 5 kids in our class who always have to talk and get out of their seats and make noise and get all this attention. She's been pretty nice to them so far, but the year is almost over and she just gets frustrated. It's in the last period of the day so everyone is crazy.
One day she got mad. Really mad. I wasn't there so I heard about it from my friend, but she split up the whole class! She has an aisle in the middle of the room and then desks on both sides facing the middle. She put all 5 of the trouble kids on the left and all the good kids on the right. The good kids took up all of the chairs on the good side so me and this other girl had to sit on the 'bad side'! It was always crazy when we have subs because the teacher tells them that only five of the kids on the bad side need to be watched but she never tells them which five! She says I'm one of the best students so the subs always get mad when I answer the questions right after someone else gets it wrong because they think I'm trying to mouth off and be smart. But the teacher put me in charge of a whoe bunch of stuff to do when the sub was there and when the sub asked who was supposed to do it, I raised my hand, but so did one of the bad kids. The bad kid said I was the bad one and he was the good one and I got in trouble with the sub and she almost gave me detention but thank goodness the rest of the class stuck up for me! The sub and the bad kid got in this huge fight, though! He wouldn't go to his seat and he was making fun of her and he got sent to the office.
There was another kid throwing stuff at me from across the room but somehow the sub always missed it! He threw a pencil across the room and she didn't see it. He threw all kinds of stuff. Finally I raised my hand and told the sub but she didn't believe me! So I'm sitting there trying to get her to make the kid stop throwing highlighters at me when the principle walks into the class and calls me out of the room! The class all acted like I was in trouble, but the principle was just going around the school giving the Temp. I.D.s that some kids had signed up for! When I got back the sub was so mad! She thought I was playing her the whole time and I was really one of the bad kids! She sent a bad note to the normal teacher and I got in a lot of trouble, until the bad kid that got me in trouble told her what really happened. Why? I don't know. He got me in trouble, and now he gets me out of trouble. I don't like him. No one really does because he trips random people walking down the hallway because "He Feels like it!"
One time he tried to trip me and I fell and my books flew everywhere. Half of them hit him in the face! The teacher saw the whole thing, and he got in so much trouble!
You wanna know what else happened today?
I fell flat on my face in the hallway-twice! The first time I just tripped over my feet and the next thing I know I'm staring at the carpet. The next time I couldn't get my locker open so I tried again. I put in my combination, lifted the latch, but something was caught in the door and it wouldn't open! So I'm almost late for class and the bell's about to ring, so I call my friend Hoziel for help. Him and my friends Lenzie and Katy and Susan and Ahmed all try to open it but it wouldn't budge! So we all grabbed the latch and started leaning backwards. So you got 6 kids all trying to open this locker right before class when it suddenly slams open.! It hit Susan in the face and knocked me flat on the ground! I screamed when I fell because I wasn't expecting that and everybody's staring at me and I'm just lieing on the ground because I was still sore from P.E. where we played soccer (where I kept getting hit with the ball because I somehow kept getting in the way). 3 or 4 more kids come over to help me up and I'm climbing up the stair to go to science class when I get stopped by the scary blonde lady (the vice principle), and I get lunch d-hal for being in the hall without a pass! all the other kids had gotten to class on ti me... Lucky them!
Anyway, I guess I better stop before I push today's chapter down to the next page!

Bye yalll!

Chapter Two

Hey everybody!
You would not believe how much homework I have been getting lately! I would have put up the second chapter yesterday but I had to stay up almost an hour late finishing a report for english. I haven't had any time before school, either.
So here it is, what yall have hopefully been waiting for! :-)

The Bronson House 5:11 p.m.

“Mariah! I wanted to apologize to you this morning, but you had already left.” That was Mariah’s mom, Sharon. She was probably trying to apologize for having to stay up until 4:00 cracking that drug ring.
“That’s okay mom, it was more important than homework anyway.”
“You can say that again! What was that, our fourth case this month? I don’t know, your dad’s keeping score.”
“Where is dad, anyway?”
Sharon seemed to have to think about that one.
“Oh! He said he’d be home for dinner but he had a meeting with his boss. So what did you find out during detention?” They walked over to the couch and sat down.
“ I found out our school has a ghost. He was a kid named Broderick Peters. He was trying to join a club called Blitz, and the club had initiations. It was a secret club, so nobody knew. But the initiations went 1,2,3,4. First you had to steal pair of expensive computer speakers or a good printer, and if you did that you would have to go steal like a diamond ring or something. Then you would have to watch a house for a couple of days, wait till the family was asleep, and go steal something important of theirs, like a couch, TV, or even a dishwasher. Then you would have to wait until they’re home, and burst in with a gun. You wouldn’t shoot anybody, but you would steal a whole bunch of big stuff. Broderick didn’t get that far, though.”
Sharon looked disturbed at the whole idea of this club. “I don’t like the way this is going,” she said.
“You won’t,” Mariah replied. “On the day when he was supposed to take something from the jewelry store he went in and never came out. His friends saw him walk through the front door, but the security cameras were checked over and over and no teenager had ever walked through the door that day. It was as if he walked through the door and evaporated into thin air. Ever since then, kids have been saying that he came back and haunts the other members in Blitz. No one really knows what happened to him. I would really, really, really like to find out. It would make me really, really, really happy if maybe I could just...”
“Are you trying to say that you want to look into this?” Her mom asked.
“Well, yeah, but I don’t have to drag you guys into this. I just wanna find out more about it.”
“Well, as long as you know what you’re doing. Remember that we’re here if you need us."
“Thanks mom!”
Peretti High 8:16 Friday

Okay girl, it’s Friday. You need to find out as much as you can about the ghost, Mariah thought.
“Hey Mariah! Why are you waiting outside? You know we can go inside, we just have to wait in the cafeteria.” Claire Woodland had kind of latched on to Mariah when she moved in. She knew everything about the school, so Mariah figured she would be the best one to ask.
“Claire, do you know anything about a kid who used to go here named Broderick Peters?”
“Well, like, DUH!” Said Claire. “Everybody knows about him. Scott said he already told you part of the story, so let me pick up where he left off.
"Everybody thinks that Broderick pretended to go inside, but ran instead. They said he was too afraid to come back because he thought his parents would be mad and his friends would hate him. Whether that’s true or not, nobody can prove anything.”
“What do you believe?” Mariah wanted to find out all the different versions and stories.
“I think that somehow something strange happened that day. He was either kidnapped, or he just… disappeared. Somehow.”
“Okay. Well, thanks. I’m gonna go in before I’m late"
Later.....Peretti High.....3:28
“Hey Mom! I need some help. What do you think happened to Broderick…Uh-huh…Uh-huh...huh…yep…. Uh-huh…. Okay, see you after school.”
Mariah sighed as she hung up her pink-striped cell phone. It was after 3:00, and school was about to let out after 6th period.
She had a sketchy idea of what happened, but she couldn’t be totally sure of anything. She guessed that someone found out about Blitz and didn’t like it, So they found out when and where the next challenge for Broderick was, and took him away just to shake everybody up. But what they did with him for the last 4 years, she didn’t have a clue.
The Daley House 4:38 Friday
“Hello Jeremy, favorite brother of mine!” Mariah knew she would have to do some fudging to get Jeremy to do anything for her. Ever since she handcuffed him to the stairs, flushed the key, and sprinkled glitter all over him when she was 7 and he was 8, he never seemed to trust here anymore… But anyway, this was important.
“So, Jeremy, Since we go to the same school, would you mind helping me out with this investigation I’m doing?”
“Yes, I would mind.” Jeremy seemed to need more pushing today.
“Well, have any of your friends ever told you about the school ghost?”
“Yeah. That's one of my favorite subjects, next to lunch and free period. What do you wanna know?”
“Okay, let’s get started. But if I’m gonna help with this silly ‘investigation’, you owe me big time.”
Peretti High School 2:28 Monday
“Hey Mariah!”
Mariah stared at the guy running down the hallway towards her, waiting for his name to click.
“Oh! Hi Jared. Did you need something?”
“Yeah! I have some leads on that ghost you’re so interested in. Apparently he was in a club called…”
“Jared, I already know all that! Remember? You told me yesterday,” Mariah said, smiling.
Jared White was just one of those people. Probably born with a ten-minute memory span!
“So, Jared, you did the Internet search for any place that was bought or built within the last 4 years, right? Now, it would have to be able to hold lots of people, lots of rooms, equipment, electronics, that kind of stuff. I know it's a slim chance and I know you probably didn't find anything, but please, please, please tell me you found something!"
“Yeah, but all I found was a stone mansion bought 3 years and 11 months ago. Somewhere out in Idaho. Will that work?”
“YES! YES! YES! YES, YES, YES YES! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR! THANK YOU JARED!” Mariah threw Jared a quick hug and ran down
the hall, almost screaming.

Monday, January 30, 2006

before school with nothing to do

hey everybody

It's before school and I am totally bored so I need to talk. Or, write I guess. My grandma is coming over later. She's really cool.

I'm gonna put up the second chapter of the story after school taday. I get out early because of a dentist appointment. That's called mixed emotions-when your mom pulls you out of school to go see the dentist! :-)

Does anybody like scrap booking? I love scrap booking. It's lots of fun, and it gives you something that you can do by yourself and make it whatever you want to without sticking to any rules. Plus it's a cool way to keep pictues. I have 3 different scrap books. The first one got filled up, the second one was almost filled up but it disappeared (ooooooooooh....) and I'm just starting the third one. I get lots of scrapbooking stuff every year from my grandparents and aunts and uncles and lots of other nice people. Thanks, yall! Only thing is that I have so much paper, scissors, dye cuts, pens, stickers and all that with almost no pictures! I have to use my mom's most of the time.

Anyway, I better go. I have to leave in about an hour. Hey, maybe my brother will let me play his video games!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

first chapter

Hey yall!
This is the first chapter of my story, so don't read the second one until you read this one! I think I accidentaly saved this one as a draft instead of posting it. Sorry about the mix up- this is the FIRST chapter!

Ghost at Peretti High
The Bronson House---Wednesday---4:17 p.m.

Mariah Bronson pushed her long brown hair out of her face. At 14 years old she absolutely hated algebra. She could never concentrate. And yet somehow she still was a straight A student. Whatever- she still hated algebra. Mariah stared out her huge second story window. She loved it up here because the window let in so much light, and she could see her whole neighborhood. She always called her room her secret getaway.

As Mariah watched her street she saw some kids from school goofing off. She recognized them right away as Crystal Montgomery and her crowd. Crystal Montgomery was the blond, ditzy, head-cheerleader of the school. Along with her clones, Rachel Blackmond and Diamond Williams, she had 4 guys from the football team. James Crow, Michael Gate, Chad Booker, and Daniel Storm. The guys were playing football, while the girls cheered them on from the sidewalk. They all had gotten rid of there uniforms for the day and were now wearing their "human" clothes.

Mariah was suddenly yanked out of her dream world when three sharp beeps came from her computer. She knew the signal well. It was time to go.
Peretti High School---Thursday---2:53

Mariah walked down the hallway, headed to detention. She had completely forgotten about finishing her homework-Again. Well, she was busy. Mariah opened the door to D-hall, and everybody stared at her as if an alien had just walked in. Blank, unwavering, stares. Since the door was at the front of the room, she was used to that. She was relieved when the Mr. Gordon, the math teacher, finally said something.

“Mariah! Nice to see you again! But I have to say, your repeated returns to this room have been quite disturbing. I never saw you in detention before Monday, but you’ve been in here every day since! May I ask why?”

“I forgot to do my homework again, Mr. Gordon. I was busy.”

Mariah wasn’t lying. She really was busy. But telling him what she was busy with was not an option. Not yet.

“Well, that’s okay. But you’re my favorite student, so try not to make this a habit!”

That was Mr. Gordon for you. He never got mad at anybody, for anything. And he never yelled, either. All the students loved him, but Mariah was his favorite because even when she got a grade other than an A he could tell she worked as hard as she could.

As Mariah took the seat closest to the door and began finishing the homework she didn’t turn in, something hit her in the face. She turned and saw her friend Scott Wakeman.

“Hey Mariah, I know your new and everything, but boy do I have a story for you! You heard about our school ghost?”

Ghost? This sparked Mariah’s interest right away.
Tune in tomorrow (or later today if I get bored) for the next chapter of "Ghost at Peretti High"!

And believe me... It's just getting started!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

My Series (ghost stories)

hey yall it's me again!
I've decided that I'm gonna do something different with my blog. I'm gonna start a mystery series! I'll put up a chapter everyday, so make sure you don't miss a single one. Oh, and I'll accept any ideas for things you want me to write about! please make lots of comments about things, whether I've written it or if you want me to write about it. How can I get better if I don't know what to change? ;-) I'm gonna post my first chapter in a different blog, and it's from my short-story called "Ghost at Peretti High". The next chapter will be tomorrow, and then the next on monday, and so on. I may miss a day if I get sick or have tons of homework, but keep checking back! Enjoy!

My First Blog Ever

hey yall this is my first blog so it may not be great but I'm trying!
In this blog yall are gonna get to hear about all of the funny stuff that happens to me! You'll laugh, you'll cry...but mostly you'll laugh. :-)
My friend from school has started wrting his own short stories and he lets me read them. He puts kids from school in them. In the one he's writing right now, me and all of my friends go to a haunted summer camp! It's pretty good so far, considering he only has 4 pages done...
I play piano and I recorded a CD of it for my grandma for christmas because she loves hearing me play. Would you believe that we still haven't gotten it off of the computer? :-) Something always happens! But we are for sure gonna get it done this week (or at least, we plan on it. It almost seems like something else has other plans!) .
Wow. I haven't even had my blog for ten minutes and I already am running out of things to write about! If you know me then you wouldn't believe me because I talk a LOT! I sometimes just talk and talk and talk until someone has to cut me off and tell me to be quiet! Maybe it's because I can't stand silence, and whenever I hear it I just have to fill it. Same thing with paper. Give me a blank sheet and I'll give you a 1,000 word essay on butterflies. Just kidding! ;-)
Anyway, I gotta go. Mom's cooking dinner. Come back and read my other blogs, ok?