Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This is my post for the day (aside from the story)

Hey everybody!
I hope yall are liking my story!
I have to talk about what happened at school today!

I was in english class and we have the coolest, funniest teacher, but she got so fed up to day it was scary!
We have 5 kids in our class who always have to talk and get out of their seats and make noise and get all this attention. She's been pretty nice to them so far, but the year is almost over and she just gets frustrated. It's in the last period of the day so everyone is crazy.
One day she got mad. Really mad. I wasn't there so I heard about it from my friend, but she split up the whole class! She has an aisle in the middle of the room and then desks on both sides facing the middle. She put all 5 of the trouble kids on the left and all the good kids on the right. The good kids took up all of the chairs on the good side so me and this other girl had to sit on the 'bad side'! It was always crazy when we have subs because the teacher tells them that only five of the kids on the bad side need to be watched but she never tells them which five! She says I'm one of the best students so the subs always get mad when I answer the questions right after someone else gets it wrong because they think I'm trying to mouth off and be smart. But the teacher put me in charge of a whoe bunch of stuff to do when the sub was there and when the sub asked who was supposed to do it, I raised my hand, but so did one of the bad kids. The bad kid said I was the bad one and he was the good one and I got in trouble with the sub and she almost gave me detention but thank goodness the rest of the class stuck up for me! The sub and the bad kid got in this huge fight, though! He wouldn't go to his seat and he was making fun of her and he got sent to the office.
There was another kid throwing stuff at me from across the room but somehow the sub always missed it! He threw a pencil across the room and she didn't see it. He threw all kinds of stuff. Finally I raised my hand and told the sub but she didn't believe me! So I'm sitting there trying to get her to make the kid stop throwing highlighters at me when the principle walks into the class and calls me out of the room! The class all acted like I was in trouble, but the principle was just going around the school giving the Temp. I.D.s that some kids had signed up for! When I got back the sub was so mad! She thought I was playing her the whole time and I was really one of the bad kids! She sent a bad note to the normal teacher and I got in a lot of trouble, until the bad kid that got me in trouble told her what really happened. Why? I don't know. He got me in trouble, and now he gets me out of trouble. I don't like him. No one really does because he trips random people walking down the hallway because "He Feels like it!"
One time he tried to trip me and I fell and my books flew everywhere. Half of them hit him in the face! The teacher saw the whole thing, and he got in so much trouble!
You wanna know what else happened today?
I fell flat on my face in the hallway-twice! The first time I just tripped over my feet and the next thing I know I'm staring at the carpet. The next time I couldn't get my locker open so I tried again. I put in my combination, lifted the latch, but something was caught in the door and it wouldn't open! So I'm almost late for class and the bell's about to ring, so I call my friend Hoziel for help. Him and my friends Lenzie and Katy and Susan and Ahmed all try to open it but it wouldn't budge! So we all grabbed the latch and started leaning backwards. So you got 6 kids all trying to open this locker right before class when it suddenly slams open.! It hit Susan in the face and knocked me flat on the ground! I screamed when I fell because I wasn't expecting that and everybody's staring at me and I'm just lieing on the ground because I was still sore from P.E. where we played soccer (where I kept getting hit with the ball because I somehow kept getting in the way). 3 or 4 more kids come over to help me up and I'm climbing up the stair to go to science class when I get stopped by the scary blonde lady (the vice principle), and I get lunch d-hal for being in the hall without a pass! all the other kids had gotten to class on ti me... Lucky them!
Anyway, I guess I better stop before I push today's chapter down to the next page!

Bye yalll!

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